nitparat naavan raam sar keejai
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-18)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
inqpRiq nwvxu rwm sir kIjY ] Joil mhw rsu hir AMimRqu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] Mix and drink in the most delicious, sublime Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| inrml audku goivMd kw nwm ] The water of the Name of the Lord of the Universe is immaculate and pure. mjnu krq pUrn siB kwm ]1] Take your cleansing bath in it, and all your affairs shall be resolved. ||1|| sMqsMig qh gosit hoie ] In the Society of the Saints, spiritual conversations take place. koit jnm ky iklivK Koie ]2] The sinful mistakes of millions of incarnations are erased. ||2|| ismrih swD krih Awn�du ] The Holy Saints meditate in remembrance, in ecstasy. min qin rivAw prmwn�du ]3] Their minds and bodies are immersed in supreme ecstasy. ||3|| ijsih prwpiq hir crx inDwn ] nwnk dws iqsih kurbwn ]4]95]164] Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to those who have obtained the treasure of the Lord's Feet. ||4||95||164|| |