nikat jee-a kai sad hee sangaa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (376-5)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
inkit jIA kY sd hI sMgw ] kudriq vrqY rUp Aru rMgw ]1] His Creative Power is all-pervading, in form and color. ||1|| krHY n JurY nw mnu rovnhwrw ] My mind does not worry; it does not grieve, or cry out. AivnwsI Aivgqu Agocru sdw slwmiq Ksmu hmwrw ]1] rhwau ] Imperishable, Unshakable, Unapproachable and forever safe and sound is my Husband Lord. ||1||Pause|| qyry dwsry kau iks kI kwix ] Unto whom does Your servant pay homage? ijs kI mIrw rwKY Awix ]2] His King preserves his honor. ||2|| jo laufw pRiB kIAw Ajwiq ] That slave, whom God has released from the restrictions of social status iqsu laufy kau iks kI qwiq ]3] - who can now hold him in bondage? ||3|| vymuhqwjw vyprvwhu ] The Lord is absolutely independent, and totally care-free; nwnk dws khhu gur vwhu ]4]21] O servant Nanak, chant His Glorious Praises. ||4||21|| |