naaraa-in har rang rango

gauVI mhlw 5 (241-8)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

nwrwiex hir rMg rMgo ]
naaraa-in har rang rango.
Dye yourself in the color of the Lord's Love.

jip ijhvw hir eyk mMgo ]1] rhwau ]
jap jihvaa har ayk mango. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant the Name of the One Lord with your tongue, and ask for Him alone. ||1||Pause||

qij haumY gur igAwn Bjo ]
taj ha-umai gur gi-aan bhajo.
Renounce your ego, and dwell upon the spiritual wisdom of the Guru.

imil sMgiq Duir krm iliKE ]1]
mil sangat Dhur karam likhi-o. ||1||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny, join the Sangat, the Holy Congregation. ||1||

jo dIsY so sMig n gieE ]
jo deesai so sang na ga-i-o.
Whatever you see, shall not go with you.

swkqu mUVu lgy pic muieE ]2]
saakat moorh lagay pach mu-i-o. ||2||
The foolish, faithless cynics are attached - they waste away and die. ||2||

mohn nwmu sdw riv rihE ]
mohan naam sadaa rav rahi-o.
The Name of the Fascinating Lord is all-pervading forever.

koit mDy iknY gurmuiK lihE ]3]
kot maDhay kinai gurmukh lahi-o. ||3||
Among millions, how rare is that Gurmukh who attains the Name. ||3||

hir sMqn kir nmo nmo ]
har santan kar namo namo.
Greet the Lord's Saints humbly, with deep respect.

nau iniD pwvih Aqulu suKo ]4]
na-o niDh paavahi atul sukho. ||4||
You shall obtain the nine treasures, and receive infinite peace. ||4||

nYn Alovau swD jno ]
nain alova-o saaDh jano.
With your eyes, behold the holy people;

ihrdY gwvhu nwm inDo ]5]
hirdai gaavhu naam niDho. ||5||
in your heart, sing the treasure of the Naam. ||5||

kwm k®oD loBu mohu qjo ]
kaam kroDh lobh moh tajo.
Abandon sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment.

jnm mrn duhu qy rihE ]6]
janam maran duhu tay rahi-o. ||6||
Thus you shall be rid of both birth and death. ||6||

dUKu AMDyrw Gr qy imitE ]
dookh anDhayraa ghar tay miti-o.
Pain and darkness shall depart from your home,

guir igAwnu idRVwieE dIp bilE ]7]
gur gi-aan darirhaa-i-o deep bali-o. ||7||
when the Guru implants spiritual wisdom within you, and lights that lamp. ||7||

ijin syivAw so pwir pirE ]
jin sayvi-aa so paar pari-o.
One who serves the Lord crosses over to the other side.

jn nwnk gurmuiK jgqu qirE ]8]1]13]
jan naanak gurmukh jagat tari-o. ||8||1||13||
O servant Nanak, the Gurmukh saves the world. ||8||1||13||