dayviti-aa darsan kai taa-ee dookh bhookh tirath kee-ay
Awsw Gru 4 mhlw 1 (358-13)aasaa ghar 4 mehlaa 1 Aasaa, Fourth House, First Mehl: |
dyviqAw drsn kY qweI dUK BUK qIrQ kIey ] jogI jqI jugiq mih rhqy kir kir Bgvy ByK Bey ]1] The yogis and the celibates live their disciplined lifestyle, while others wear saffron robes and become hermits. ||1|| qau kwrix swihbw rMig rqy ] For Your sake, O Lord Master, they are imbued with love. qyry nwm Anykw rUp An�qw khxu n jwhI qyry gux kyqy ]1] rhwau ] Your Names are so many, and Your Forms are endless. No one can tell how may Glorious Virtues You have. ||1||Pause|| dr Gr mhlw hsqI GoVy Coif ivlwieiq dys gey ] Leaving behind hearth and home, palaces, elephants, horses and native lands, mortals have journeyed to foreign lands. pIr pykWbr swilk swidk CofI dunIAw Qwie pey ]2] The spiritual leaders, prophets, seers and men of faith renounced the world, and became acceptable. ||2|| swd shj suK rs ks qjIAly kwpV Cofy cmV lIey ] Renouncing tasty delicacies, comfort, happiness and pleasures, some have abandoned their clothes and now wear skins. duKIey drdvMd dir qyrY nwim rqy drvys Bey ]3] Those who suffer in pain, imbued with Your Name, have become beggars at Your Door. ||3|| KlVI KprI lkVI cmVI isKw sUqu DoqI kIn@I ] Some wear skins, and carry begging bowls, bearing wooden staffs, and sitting on deer skins. Others raise their hair in tufts and wear sacred threads and loin-cloths. qUM swihbu hau sWgI qyrw pRxvY nwnku jwiq kYsI ]4]1]33] You are the Lord Master, I am just Your puppet. Prays Nanak, what is my social status to be? ||4||1||33|| |