dayh tayjan jee raam upaa-ee-aa raam

vfhMsu mhlw 4 GoVIAw (575-6)
vad-hans mehlaa 4 ghorhee-aa
Wadahans, Fourth Mehl, Ghorees ~ The Wedding Procession Songs:

dyh qyjix jI rwim aupweIAw rwm ]
dayh tayjan jee raam upaa-ee-aa raam.
This body-horse was created by the Lord.

DMnu mwxs jnmu puMin pweIAw rwm ]
Dhan maanas janam punn paa-ee-aa raam.
Blessed is human life, which is obtained by virtuous actions.

mwxs jnmu vf puMny pwieAw dyh su kMcn cMgVIAw ]
maanas janam vad punnay paa-i-aa dayh so kanchan changrhee-aa.
Human life is obtained only by the most virtuous actions; this body is radiant and golden.

gurmuiK rMgu clUlw pwvY hir hir hir nv rMgVIAw ]
gurmukh rang chaloolaa paavai har har har nav rangrhee-aa.
The Gurmukh is imbued with the deep red color of the poppy; he is imbued with the new color of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, Har.

eyh dyh su bWkI ijqu hir jwpI hir hir nwim suhwvIAw ]
ayh dayh so baaNkee jit har jaapee har har naam suhaavee-aa.
This body is so very beautiful; it chants the Name of the Lord, and it is adorned with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

vfBwgI pweI nwmu sKweI jn nwnk rwim aupweIAw ]1]
vadbhaagee paa-ee naam sakhaa-ee jan naanak raam upaa-ee-aa. ||1||
By great good fortune, the body is obtained; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is its companion; O servant Nanak, the Lord has created it. ||1||

dyh pwvau jInu buiJ cMgw rwm ]
dayh paava-o jeen bujh changa raam.
I place the saddle on the body-horse, the saddle of realization of the Good Lord.

ciV l�Gw jI ibKmu BuieAMgw rwm ]
charh langhaa jee bikham bhu-i-angaa raam.
Riding this horse, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

ibKmu BuieAMgw Anq qrMgw gurmuiK pwir l�Gwey ]
bikham bhu-i-angaa anat tarangaa gurmukh paar langhaa-ay.
The terrifying world-ocean is rocked by countless waves, but the Gurmukh is carried across.

hir boihiQ ciV vfBwgI l�GY guru Kyvtu sbid qrwey ]
har bohith charh vadbhaagee langhai gur khayvat sabad taraa-ay.
Embarking upon the boat of the Lord, the very fortunate ones cross over; the Guru, the Boatman, carries them across through the Word of the Shabad.

Anidnu hir rMig hir gux gwvY hir rMgI hir rMgw ]
an-din har rang har gun gaavai har rangee har rangaa.
Night and day, imbued with the Lord's Love, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Lord's lover loves the Lord.

jn nwnk inrbwx pdu pwieAw hir auqmu hir pdu cMgw ]2]
jan naanak nirbaan pad paa-i-aa har utam har pad changa. ||2||
Servant Nanak has obtained the state of Nirvaanaa, the state of ultimate goodness, the state of the Lord. ||2||

kVIAwlu muKy guir igAwnu idRVwieAw rwm ]
karhee-aal mukhay gur gi-aan drirh-aa-i-aa raam.
For a bridle in my mouth, the Guru has implanted spiritual wisdom within me.

qin pRymu hir cwbku lwieAw rwm ]
tan paraym har chaabak laa-i-aa raam.
He has applied the whip of the Lord's Love to my body.

qin pRymu hir hir lwie cwbku mnu ijxY gurmuiK jIiqAw ]
tan paraym har har laa-ay chaabak man jinai gurmukh jeeti-aa.
Applying the whip of the Lord's Love to his body, the Gurmukh conquers his mind, and wins the battle of life.

AGVo GVwvY sbdu pwvY Aipau hir rsu pIiqAw ]
agh-rho gharhaavai sabad paavai api-o har ras peeti-aa.
He trains his untrained mind with the Word of the Shabad, and drinks in the rejuvenating essence of the Lord's Nectar.

suix sRvx bwxI guir vKwxI hir rMgu qurI cVwieAw ]
sun sarvan banee gur vakhaanee har rang turee charhaa-i-aa.
Listen with your ears to the Word, uttered by the Guru, and attune your body-horse to the Lord's Love.

mhw mwrgu pMQu ibKVw jn nwnk pwir l�GwieAw ]3]
mahaa maarag panth bikh-rhaa jan naanak paar langhaa-i-aa. ||3||
Servant Nanak has crossed over the long and treacherous path. ||3||

GoVI qyjix dyh rwim aupweIAw rwm ]
ghorhee tayjan dayh raam upaa-ee-aa raam.
The transitory body-horse was created by the Lord.

ijqu hir pRBu jwpY sw Dnu DMnu quKweIAw rwm ]
jit har parabh jaapai saa Dhan Dhan tukhaa-ee-aa raam.
Blessed, blessed is that body-horse which meditates on the Lord God.

ijqu hir pRBu jwpY sw DMnu swbwsY Duir pwieAw ikrqu juVMdw ]
jit har parabh jaapai saa Dhan saabaasai Dhur paa-i-aa kirat jurhandaa.
Blessed and acclaimed is that body-horse which meditates on the Lord God; it is obtained by the merits of past actions.

ciV dyhiV GoVI ibKmu lGwey imlu gurmuiK prmwn�dw ]
charh dayharh ghorhee bikham laghaa-ay mil gurmukh parmaanandaa.
Riding the body-horse, one crosses over the terrifying world ocean; the Gurmukh meets the Lord, the embodiment of supreme bliss.

hir hir kwju rcwieAw pUrY imil sMq jnw jM\ AweI ]
har har kaaj rachaa-i-aa poorai mil sant janaa janj aa-ee.
The Lord, Har, Har, has perfectly arranged this wedding; the Saints have come together as a marriage party.

jn nwnk hir vru pwieAw mMglu imil sMq jnw vwDweI ]4]1]5]
jan naanak har var paa-i-aa mangal mil sant janaa vaaDhaa-ee. ||4||1||5||
Servant Nanak has obtained the Lord as his Spouse; joining together, the Saints sing the songs of joy and congratulations. ||4||1||5||