doot dusman sabh tujh tay nivrahi pargat partaap tumaaraa
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-13)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
dUq dusmn siB quJ qy invrih pRgt pRqwpu qumwrw ] jo jo qyry Bgq duKwey Ehu qqkwl qum mwrw ]1] Whoever harms Your devotees, You destroy in an instant. ||1|| inrKau qumrI Eir hir nIq ] I look to You continually, Lord. murwir shwie hohu dws kau kru gih auDrhu mIq ] rhwau ] O Lord, Destroyer of ego, please, be the helper and companion of Your slaves; take my hand, and save me, O my Friend! ||Pause|| suxI bynqI Twkuir myrY Ksmwnw kir Awip ] My Lord and Master has heard my prayer, and given me His protection. nwnk And Bey duK Bwgy sdw sdw hir jwip ]2]13]44] Nanak is in ecstasy, and his pains are gone; he meditates on the Lord, forever and ever. ||2||13||44|| |