deebaan hamaaro tuhee ayk
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (210-16)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
dIbwnu hmwro quhI eyk ] syvw QwrI gurih tyk ]1] rhwau ] I serve You with the Support of the Guru. ||1||Pause|| Aink jugiq nhI pwieAw ] By various devices, I could not find You. guir cwkr lY lwieAw ]1] Taking hold of me, the Guru has made me Your slave. ||1|| mwry pMc ibKwdIAw ] I have conquered the five tyrants. gur ikrpw qy dlu swiDAw ]2] By Guru's Grace, I have vanquished the army of evil. ||2|| bKsIs vjhu imil eyku nwm ] I have received the One Name as His bounty and blessing. sUK shj Awn�d ibsRwm ]3] Now, I dwell in peace, poise and bliss. ||3|| pRB ky cwkr sy Bly ] The slaves of God are good. nwnk iqn muK aUjly ]4]3]141] O Nanak, their faces are radiant. ||4||3||141|| |