jin aatam tat na cheenHi-aa
pRBwqI Bgq byxI jI kI (1351-12)parbhaatee bhagat baynee jee kee Prabhaatee, The Word Of Devotee Baynee Jee: |
qin cMdnu msqik pwqI ] ird AMqir kr ql kwqI ] But you hold a knife in the hand of your heart. Tg idsit bgw ilv lwgw ] You look like a thug; pretending to meditate, you pose like a crane. dyiK bYsno pRwn muK Bwgw ]1] You try to look like a Vaishnaav, but the breath of life escapes through your mouth. ||1|| kil Bgvq bMd icrWmM ] You pray for hours to God the Beautiful. k®�r idsit rqw inis bwdM ]1] rhwau ] But your gaze is evil, and your nights are wasted in conflict. ||1||Pause|| inqpRiq iesnwnu srIrM ] You perform daily cleansing rituals, duie DoqI krm muiK KIrM ] wear two loin-cloths, perform religious rituals and put only milk in your mouth. irdY CurI sMiDAwnI ] But in your heart, you have drawn out the sword. pr drbu ihrn kI bwnI ]2] You routinely steal the property of others. ||2|| isl pUjis ck® gxysM ] You worship the stone idol, and paint ceremonial marks of Ganesha. inis jwgis Bgiq pRvysM ] You remain awake throughout the night, pretending to worship God. pg nwcis icqu AkrmM ] You dance, but your consciousness is filled with evil. ey l�pt nwc ADrmM ]3] You are lewd and depraved - this is such an unrighteous dance! ||3|| imRg Awsxu qulsI mwlw ] You sit on a deer-skin, and chant on your mala. kr aUjl iqlku kpwlw ] You put the sacred mark, the tilak, on your forehead. irdY kUVu kMiT rudRwKM ] You wear the rosary beads of Shiva around your neck, but your heart is filled with falsehood. ry l�pt ik®snu ABwKM ]4] You are lewd and depraved - you do not chant God's Name. ||4|| ijin Awqm qqu n cIin@Aw ] Whoever does not realize the essence of the soul sB Pokt Drm AbIinAw ] - all his religious actions are hollow and false. khu byxI gurmuiK iDAwvY ] Says Baynee, as Gurmukh, meditate. ibnu siqgur bwt n pwvY ]5]1] Without the True Guru, you shall not find the Way. ||5||1|| |