jhim jhimay jhim jhim varsai amrit Dhaaraa raam
Awsw mhlw 4 ] (442-19)aasaa mehlaa 4. Aasaa, Fourth Mehl: |
iJim iJmy iJim iJim vrsY AMimRq Dwrw rwm ] gurmuKy gurmuiK ndrI rwmu ipAwrw rwm ] As Gurmukh, the Gurmukh beholds the Lord, the Beloved Lord. rwm nwmu ipAwrw jgq insqwrw rwm nwim vifAweI ] The Name of the Lord, the Emancipator of the world, is dear to him; the Name of the Lord is his glory. kiljuig rwm nwmu boihQw gurmuiK pwir lGweI ] In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name is the boat, which carries the Gurmukh across. hliq pliq rwm nwim suhyly gurmuiK krxI swrI ] This world, and the world hereafter, are adorned with the Lord's Name; the Gurmukh's lifestyle is the most excellent. nwnk dwiq dieAw kir dyvY rwm nwim insqwrI ]1] O Nanak, bestowing His kindness, the Lord gives the gift of His emancipating Name. ||1|| |