jo jan parmit parman jaanaa
gauVI kbIr jI ] (325-8)ga-orhee kabeer jee. Gauree, Kabeer Jee: |
jo jn primiq prmnu jwnw ] bwqn hI bYkuMT smwnw ]1] by mere words, he plans to enter heaven. ||1|| nw jwnw bYkuMT khw hI ] I do not know where heaven is. jwnu jwnu siB khih qhw hI ]1] rhwau ] Everyone claims that he plans to go there. ||1||Pause|| khn khwvn nh pqIAeI hY ] By mere talk, the mind is not appeased. qau mnu mwnY jw qy haumY jeI hY ]2] The mind is only appeased, when egotism is conquered. ||2|| jb lgu min bYkuMT kI Aws ] As long as the mind is filled with the desire for heaven, qb lgu hoie nhI crn invwsu ]3] he does not dwell at the Lord's Feet. ||3|| khu kbIr ieh khIAY kwih ] Says Kabeer, unto whom should I tell this? swDsMgiq bYkuMTY Awih ]4]10] The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is heaven. ||4||10|| |