jih sir rach rach baaDhat paag

gauVI kbIr jI ] (330-2)
ga-orhee kabeer jee.
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:

ijh isir ric ric bwDq pwg ]
jih sir rach rach baaDhat paag.
That head which was once embellished with the finest turban

so isru cuMc svwrih kwg ]1]
so sir chunch savaareh kaag. ||1||
- upon that head, the crow now cleans his beak. ||1||

iesu qn Dn ko ikAw grbeIAw ]
is tan Dhan ko ki-aa garab-ee-aa.
What pride should we take in this body and wealth?

rwm nwmu kwhy n idRV@IAw ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam kaahay na darirh-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why not hold tight to the Lord's Name instead? ||1||Pause||

khq kbIr sunhu mn myry ]
kahat kabeer sunhu man mayray.
Says Kabeer, listen, O my mind:

iehI hvwl hoihgy qyry ]2]35]
ihee havaal hohigay tayray. ||2||35||
this may be your fate as well! ||2||35||