jisahi saaj nivaaji-aa tiseh si-o ruch naahi
mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-10)maaroo mehlaa 5. Maaroo, Fifth Mehl: |
ijsih swij invwijAw iqsih isau ruc nwih ] Awn rUqI Awn boeIAY Plu n PUlY qwih ]1] The seed, planted out season, does not germinate; it does not produce flower or fruit. ||1|| ry mn vqR bIjx nwau ] O mind, this is the time to plant the seed of the Name. boie KyqI lwie mnUAw Blo smau suAwau ]1] rhwau ] Focus your mind, and cultivate this crop; at the proper time, make this your purpose. ||1||Pause|| Koie KhVw Brmu mn kw siqgur srxI jwie ] Eradicate the stubbornness and doubt of your mind, and go to the Sanctuary of the True Guru. krmu ijs kau Durhu iliKAw soeI kwr kmwie ]2] He alone does such deeds, who has such pre-ordained karma. ||2|| Bwau lwgw goibd isau Gwl pweI Qwie ] He falls in love with the Lord of the Universe, and his efforts are approved. Kyiq myrY jMimAw inKuit n kbhU jwie ]3] My crop has germinated, and it shall never be used up. ||3|| pwieAw Amolu pdwrQo Coif n kqhU jwie ] I have obtained the priceless wealth, which shall never leave me or go anywhere else. khu nwnk suKu pwieAw iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]4]4]13] Says Nanak, I have found peace; I am satisfied and fulfilled. ||4||4||13|| |