jaa kai vas khaan sultaan
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (182-16)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5. Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kY vis Kwn sulqwn ] jw kY vis hY sgl jhwn ] The whole world is under His Power. jw kw kIAw sBu ikCu hoie ] Everything is done by His doing; iqs qy bwhir nwhI koie ]1] other than Him, there is nothing at all. ||1|| khu byn�qI Apuny siqgur pwih ] Offer your prayers to your True Guru; kwj qumwry dyie inbwih ]1] rhwau ] He will resolve your affairs. ||1||Pause|| sB qy aUc jw kw drbwru ] The Darbaar of His Court is the most exalted of all. sgl Bgq jw kw nwmu ADwru ] His Name is the Support of all His devotees. srb ibAwipq pUrn DnI ] The Perfect Master is pervading everywhere. jw kI soBw Git Git bnI ]2] His Glory is manifest in each and every heart. ||2|| ijsu ismrq duK fyrw FhY ] Remembering Him in meditation, the home of sorrow is abolished. ijsu ismrq jmu ikCU n khY ] Remembering Him in meditation, the Messenger of Death shall not touch you. ijsu ismrq hoq sUky hry ] Remembering Him in meditation, the dry branches become green again. ijsu ismrq fUbq pwhn qry ]3] Remembering Him in meditation, sinking stones are made to float. ||3|| sMq sBw kau sdw jYkwru ] I salute and applaud the Society of the Saints. hir hir nwmu jn pRwn ADwru ] The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the Support of the breath of life of His servant. khu nwnk myrI suxI Ardwis ] Says Nanak, the Lord has heard my prayer; sMq pRswid mo kau nwm invwis ]4]21]90] by the Grace of the Saints, I dwell in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||21||90|| |