ham chaakar gobind kay thaakur mayraa bhaaraa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (399-17)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kw Twkuru quhI pRB qw ky vfBwgw ] Ehu suhylw sd suKI sBu BRmu Bau Bwgw ]1] He is happy, and forever at peace; his doubts and fears are all dispelled. ||1|| hm cwkr goibMd ky Twkuru myrw Bwrw ] I am the slave of the Lord of the Universe; my Master is the greatest of all. krn krwvn sgl ibiD so siqgurU hmwrw ]1] rhwau ] He is the Creator, the Cause of causes; He is my True Guru. ||1||Pause|| dUjw nwhI Aauru ko qw kw Bau krIAY ] There is no other whom I should fear. gur syvw mhlu pweIAY jgu duqru qrIAY ]2] Serving the Guru, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is obtained, and the impassable world-ocean is crossed over. ||2|| idRsit qyrI suKu pweIAY mn mwih inDwnw ] By Your Glance of Grace, peace is obtained, and the treasure fills the mind. jw kau qum ikrpwl Bey syvk sy prvwnw ]3] That servant, unto whom You bestow Your Mercy, is approved and accepted. ||3|| AMimRq rsu hir kIrqno ko ivrlw pIvY ] How rare is that person who drinks in the Ambrosial Essence of the Lord's Kirtan. vjhu nwnk imlY eyku nwmu ird jip jip jIvY ]4]14]116] Nanak has obtained the commodity of the One Name; he lives by chanting and meditating on it within his heart. ||4||14||116|| |