simrat naam bharam bha-o bhaagai
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (190-4)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kau ApnI ikrpw DwrY ] so jnu rsnw nwmu aucwrY ]1] chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with their tongues. ||1|| hir ibsrq shsw duKu ibAwpY ] Forgetting the Lord, superstition and sorrow shall overtake you. ismrq nwmu Brmu Bau BwgY ]1] rhwau ] Meditating on the Naam, doubt and fear shall depart. ||1||Pause|| hir kIrqnu suxY hir kIrqnu gwvY ] Listening to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and singing the Lord's Kirtan, iqsu jn dUKu inkit nhI AwvY ]2] misfortune shall not even come near you. ||2|| hir kI thl krq jnu sohY ] Working for the Lord, His humble servants look beautiful. qw kau mwieAw Agin n pohY ]3] The fire of Maya does not touch them. ||3|| min qin muiK hir nwmu dieAwl ] Within their minds, bodies and mouths, is the Name of the Merciful Lord. nwnk qjIAly Avir jMjwl ]4]52]121] Nanak has renounced other entanglements. ||4||52||121|| |