ko-ee aavai santo har kaa jan santo mayraa pareetam jan santo mohi maarag dikhlaavai

swrg mhlw 4 ] (1201-9)
saarag mehlaa 4.
Saarang, Fourth Mehl:

jip mn mwDo mDusUdno hir sRIrMgo prmysro siq prmysro pRBu AMqrjwmI ]
jap man maaDho maDhusoodno har sareerango parmaysaro sat parmaysaro parabh antarjaamee.
O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord of Wealth, the Source of Nectar, the Supreme Lord God, the True Transcendent Being, God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

sB dUKn ko hMqw sB sUKn ko dwqw hir pRIqm gun gwEu ]1] rhwau ]
sabh dookhan ko hantaa sabh sookhan ko daataa har pareetam gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Destroyer of all suffering, the Giver of all peace; sing the Praises of my Beloved Lord God. ||1||Pause||

hir Git Gty Git bsqw hir jil Qly hir bsqw hir Qwn Qwn�qir bsqw mY hir dyKn ko cwEu ]
har ghat ghatay ghat bastaa har jal thalay har bastaa har thaan thaanantar bastaa mai har daykhan ko chaa-o.
The Lord dwells in the home of each and every heart. The Lord dwells in the water, and the Lord dwells on the land. The Lord dwells in the spaces and interspaces. I have such a great longing to see the Lord.

koeI AwvY sMqo hir kw jnu sMqo myrw pRIqm jnu sMqo moih mwrgu idKlwvY ]
ko-ee aavai santo har kaa jan santo mayraa pareetam jan santo mohi maarag dikhlaavai.
If only some Saint, some humble Saint of the Lord, my Holy Beloved, would come, to show me the way.

iqsu jn ky hau mil mil Dovw pwEu ]1]
tis jan kay ha-o mal mal Dhovaa paa-o. ||1||
I would wash and massage the feet of that humble being. ||1||

hir jn kau hir imilAw hir srDw qy imilAw gurmuiK hir imilAw ]
har jan ka-o har mili-aa har sarDhaa tay mili-aa gurmukh har mili-aa.
The Lord's humble servant meets the Lord, through his faith in the Lord; meeting the Lord, he becomes Gurmukh.

myrY min qin Awn�d Bey mY dyiKAw hir rwEu ]
mayrai man tan aanand bha-ay mai daykhi-aa har raa-o.
My mind and body are in ecstasy; I have seen my Sovereign Lord King.

jn nwnk kau ikrpw BeI hir kI ikrpw BeI jgdIsur ikrpw BeI ]
jan naanak ka-o kirpaa bha-ee har kee kirpaa bha-ee jagdeesur kirpaa bha-ee.
Servant Nanak has been blessed with Grace, blessed with the Lord's Grace, blessed with the Grace of the Lord of the Universe.

mY Anidno sd sd sdw hir jipAw hir nwEu ]2]3]10]
mai andino sad sad sadaa har japi-aa har naa-o. ||2||3||10||
I meditate on the Lord, the Name of the Lord, night and day, forever, forever and ever. ||2||3||10||