jin mil maaray panch soorbeer aiso ka-un balee ray
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (404-9)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
cwir brn cauhw ky mrdn Ktu drsn kr qlI ry ] suMdr suGr srUp isAwny pMchu hI moih ClI ry ]1] the beautiful, the refined, the shapely and the wise - the five passions have enticed and beguiled them all. ||1|| ijin imil mwry pMc sUrbIr AYso kaunu blI ry ] Who has seized and conquered the five powerful fighters? Is there anyone strong enough? ijin pMc mwir ibdwir gudwry so pUrw ieh klI ry ]1] rhwau ] He alone, who conquers and defeats the five demons, is perfect in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause|| vfI kom vis Bwgih nwhI muhkm Pauj hTlI ry ] They are so awesome and great; they cannot be controlled, and they do not run away. Their army is mighty and unyielding. khu nwnk iqin jin inrdilAw swDsMgiq kY JlI ry ]2]3]132] Says Nanak, that humble being who is under the protection of the Saadh Sangat, crushes those terrible demons. ||2||3||132|| |