gobid kee aisee kaar kamaa-ay

swrg mhlw 4 ] (1199-8)
saarag mehlaa 4.
Saarang, Fourth Mehl:

goibd kI AYsI kwr kmwie ]
gobid kee aisee kaar kamaa-ay.
This is the way to work for the Lord.

jo ikCu kry su siq kir mwnhu gurmuiK nwim rhhu ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ]
jo kichh karay so sat kar maanhu gurmukh naam rahhu liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever He does, accept that as true. As Gurmukh, remain lovingly absorbed in His Name. ||1||Pause||

goibd pRIiq lgI Aiq mITI Avr ivsir sB jwie ]
gobid pareet lagee at meethee avar visar sabh jaa-ay.
The Love of the Lord of the Universe seems supremely sweet. Everything else is forgotten.

Anidnu rhsu BieAw mnu mwinAw joqI joiq imlwie ]1]
an-din rahas bha-i-aa man maani-aa jotee jot milaa-ay. ||1||
Night and day, he is in ecstasy; his mind is pleased and appeased, and his light merges into the Light. ||1||

jb gux gwie qb hI mnu iqRpqY sWiq vsY min Awie ]
jab gun gaa-ay tab hee man tariptai saaNt vasai man aa-ay.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, his mind is satisfied. Peace and tranquility come to abide within his mind.

gur ikrpwl Bey qb pwieAw hir crxI icqu lwie ]2]
gur kirpaal bha-ay tab paa-i-aa har charnee chit laa-ay. ||2||
When the Guru becomes merciful, the mortal finds the Lord; he focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||2||

miq pRgws BeI hir iDAwieAw igAwin qiq ilv lwie ]
mat pargaas bha-ee har Dhi-aa-i-aa gi-aan tat liv laa-ay.
The intellect is enlightened, meditating on the Lord. He remains lovingly attuned to the essence of spiritual wisdom.

AMqir joiq pRgtI mnu mwinAw hir shij smwiD lgwie ]3]
antar jot pargatee man maani-aa har sahj samaaDh lagaa-ay. ||3||
The Divine Light radiates forth deep within his being; his mind is pleased and appeased. He merges intuitively into Celestial Samaadhi. ||3||

ihrdY kptu inq kptu kmwvih muKhu hir hir suxwie ]
hirdai kapat nit kapat kamaaveh mukhahu har har sunaa-ay.
One whose heart is filled with falsehood, continues to practice falsehood, even while he teaches and preaches about the Lord.

AMqir loBu mhw gubwrw quh kUtY duK Kwie ]4]
antar lobh mahaa gubaaraa tuh kootai dukh khaa-ay. ||4||
Within him is the utter darkness of greed. He is thrashed like wheat, and suffers in pain. ||4||

jb supRsMn Bey pRB myry gurmuiK prcw lwie ]
jab suparsan bha-ay parabh mayray gurmukh parchaa laa-ay.
When my God is totally pleased, the mortal tunes in and becomes Gurmukh.

nwnk nwm inrMjnu pwieAw nwmu jpq suKu pwie ]5]4]
naanak naam niranjan paa-i-aa naam japat sukh paa-ay. ||5||4||
Nanak has obtained the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. Chanting the Naam, he has found peace. ||5||4||