gangaa jamunaa godaavree sarsutee tay karahi udam Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1263-5)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

gMgw jmunw godwvrI srsuqI qy krih audmu DUir swDU kI qweI ]
gangaa jamunaa godaavree sarsutee tay karahi udam Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
The Ganges, the Jamunaa, the Godaavari and the Saraswati - these rivers strive for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

iklivK mYlu Bry pry hmrY ivic hmrI mYlu swDU kI DUir gvweI ]1]
kilvikh mail bharay paray hamrai vich hamree mail saaDhoo kee Dhoor gavaa-ee. ||1||
Overflowing with their filthy sins, the mortals take cleansing baths in them; the rivers' pollution is washed away by the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||1||

qIriQ ATsiT mjnu nweI ]
tirath athsath majan naa-ee.
Instead of bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, take your cleansing bath in the Name.

sqsMgiq kI DUir prI auif nyqRI sB durmiq mYlu gvweI ]1] rhwau ]
satsangat kee Dhoor paree ud naytree sabh durmat mail gavaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the dust of the feet of the Sat Sangat rises up into the eyes, all filthy evil-mindedness is removed. ||1||Pause||

jwhrnvI qpY BwgIriQ AwxI kydwru QwipE mhsweI ]
jaaharnavee tapai bhaageerath aanee kaydaar thaapi-o mehsaa-ee.
Bhaageerat'h the penitent brought the Ganges down, and Shiva established Kaydaar.

kWsI ik®snu crwvq gwaU imil hir jn soBw pweI ]2]
kaaNsee krisan charaavat gaa-oo mil har jan sobhaa paa-ee. ||2||
Krishna grazed cows in Kaashi; through the humble servant of the Lord, these places became famous. ||2||

ijqny qIrQ dyvI Qwpy siB iqqny locih DUir swDU kI qweI ]
jitnay tirath dayvee thaapay sabh titnay locheh Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
And all the sacred shrines of pilgrimage established by the gods, long for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

hir kw sMqu imlY gur swDU lY iqs kI DUir muiK lweI ]3]
har kaa sant milai gur saaDhoo lai tis kee Dhoor mukh laa-ee. ||3||
Meeting with the Lord's Saint, the Holy Guru, I apply the dust of His feet to my face. ||3||

ijqnI isRsit qumrI myry suAwmI sB iqqnI locY DUir swDU kI qweI ]
jitnee sarisat tumree mayray su-aamee sabh titnee lochai Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
And all the creatures of Your Universe, O my Lord and Master, long for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

nwnk illwit hovY ijsu iliKAw iqsu swDU DUir dy hir pwir l�GweI ]4]2]
naanak lilaat hovai jis likhi-aa tis saaDhoo Dhoor day har paar langhaa-ee. ||4||2||
O Nanak, one who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead, is blessed with the dust of the feet of the Holy; the Lord carries him across. ||4||2||