kinhee banji-aa kaaNsee taaNbaa kinhee la-ug supaaree

kydwrw kbIr jIau ](1123-7)
kaydaaraa kabeer jee-o.
Raag Kaydaaraa, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

iknhI bnijAw kWsI qWbw iknhI laug supwrI ]
kinhee banji-aa kaaNsee taaNbaa kinhee la-ug supaaree.
Some deal in bronze and copper, some in cloves and betel nuts.

sMqhu bnijAw nwmu goibd kw AYsI Kyp hmwrI ]1]
santahu banji-aa naam gobid kaa aisee khayp hamaaree. ||1||
The Saints deal in the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. Such is my merchandise as well. ||1||

hir ky nwm ky ibAwpwrI ]
har kay naam kay bi-aapaaree.
I am a trader in the Name of the Lord.

hIrw hwiQ ciVAw inrmolku CUit geI sMswrI ]1] rhwau ]
heeraa haath charhi-aa nirmolak chhoot ga-ee sansaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The priceless diamond has come into my hands. I have left the world behind. ||1||Pause||

swcy lwey qau sc lwgy swcy ky ibauhwrI ]
saachay laa-ay ta-o sach laagay saachay kay bi-uhaaree.
When the True Lord attached me, then I was attached to Truth. I am a trader of the True Lord.

swcI bsqu ky Bwr clwey phucy jwie BMfwrI ]2]
saachee basat kay bhaar chalaa-ay pahuchay jaa-ay bhandaaree. ||2||
I have loaded the commodity of Truth; It has reached the Lord, the Treasurer. ||2||

Awpih rqn jvwhr mwink AwpY hY pwswrI ]
aapeh ratan javaahar maanik aapai hai paasaaree.
He Himself is the pearl, the jewel, the ruby; He Himself is the jeweller.

AwpY dh ids Awp clwvY inhclu hY ibAwpwrI ]3]
aapai dah dis aap chalaavai nihchal hai bi-aapaaree. ||3||
He Himself spreads out in the ten directions. The Merchant is Eternal and Unchanging. ||3||

mnu kir bYlu suriq kir pYfw igAwn goin Bir fwrI ]
man kar bail surat kar paidaa gi-aan gon bhar daaree.
My mind is the bull, and meditation is the road; I have filled my packs with spiritual wisdom, and loaded them on the bull.

khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu inbhI Kyp hmwrI ]4]2]
kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu nibhee khayp hamaaree. ||4||2||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: my merchandise has reached its destination! ||4||2||