kin biDh milai gusaa-ee mayray raam raa-ay

rwgu gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5(204-18)
raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fifth Mehl:

ikn ibiD imlY gusweI myry rwm rwie ]
kin biDh milai gusaa-ee mayray raam raa-ay.
How may I meet my Master, the King, the Lord of the Universe?

koeI AYsw sMqu shj suKdwqw moih mwrgu dyie bqweI ]1] rhwau ]
ko-ee aisaa sant sahj sukh-daata mohi maarag day-ay bataa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Is there any Saint, who can bestow such celestial peace, and show me the Way to Him? ||1||Pause||

AMqir AlKu n jweI liKAw ivic pVdw haumY pweI ]
antar alakh na jaa-ee lakhi-aa vich parh-daa ha-umai paa-ee.
The Unseen Lord is deep within the self; He cannot be seen; the curtain of egotism intervenes.

mwieAw moih sBo jgu soieAw iehu Brmu khhu ikau jweI ]1]
maa-i-aa mohi sabho jag so-i-aa ih bharam kahhu ki-o jaa-ee. ||1||
In emotional attachment to Maya, all the world is asleep. Tell me, how can this doubt be dispelled? ||1||

eykw sMgiq iekqu igRih bsqy imil bwq n krqy BweI ]
aykaa sangat ikat garihi bastay mil baat na kartay bhaa-ee.
The one lives together with the other in the same house, but they do not talk to one another, O Siblings of Destiny.

eyk bsqu ibnu pMc duhyly Eh bsqu Agocr TweI ]2]
ayk basat bin panch duhaylay oh basat agochar thaa-ee. ||2||
Without the one substance, the five are miserable; that substance is in the unapproachable place. ||2||

ijs kw igRhu iqin dIAw qwlw kuMjI gur saupweI ]
jis kaa garihu tin dee-aa taalaa kunjee gur sa-upaa-ee.
And the one whose home it is, has locked it up, and given the key to the Guru.

Aink aupwv kry nhI pwvY ibnu siqgur srxweI ]3]
anik upaav karay nahee paavai bin satgur sarnaa-ee. ||3||
You may make all sorts of efforts, but it cannot be obtained, without the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||3||

ijn ky bMDn kwty siqgur iqn swDsMgiq ilv lweI ]
jin kay banDhan kaatay satgur tin saaDhsangat liv laa-ee.
Those whose bonds have been broken by the True Guru, enshrine love for the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

pMc jnw imil mMglu gwieAw hir nwnk Bydu n BweI ]4]
panch janaa mil mangal gaa-i-aa har naanak bhayd na bhaa-ee. ||4||
The self-elect, the self-realized beings, meet together and sing the joyous songs of the Lord. Nanak, there is no difference between them, O Siblings of Destiny. ||4||

myry rwm rwie ien ibiD imlY gusweI ]
mayray raam raa-ay in biDh milai gusaa-ee.
This is how my Sovereign Lord King, the Lord of the Universe, is met;

shju BieAw BRmu iKn mih nwTw imil joqI joiq smweI ]1] rhwau dUjw ]1]122]
sahj bha-i-aa bharam khin meh naathaa mil jotee jot samaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||1||122||
celestial bliss is attained in an instant, and doubt is dispelled. Meeting Him, my light merges in the Light. ||1||Second Pause||1||122||

rwmklI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw (912-14)
raamkalee mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees:

iknhI kIAw privriq pswrw ]
kinhee kee-aa parvirat pasaaraa.
Some make a big show of their worldly influence.

iknhI kIAw pUjw ibsQwrw ]
kinhee kee-aa poojaa bisthaaraa.
Some make a big show of devotional worship.

iknhI invl BuieAMgm swDy ]
kinhee nival bhu-i-angam saaDhay.
Some practice inner cleansing teahniques, and control the breath through Kundalini Yoga.

moih dIn hir hir AwrwDy ]1]
mohi deen har har aaraaDhay. ||1||
I am meek; I worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

qyrw Brosw ipAwry ]
tayraa bharosaa pi-aaray.
I place my faith in You alone, O Beloved Lord.

Awn n jwnw vysw ]1] rhwau ]
aan na jaanaa vaysaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not know any other way. ||1||Pause||

iknhI igRhu qij vx KMif pwieAw ]
kinhee garihu taj van khand paa-i-aa.
Some abandon their homes, and live in the forests.

iknhI moin AauDUqu sdwieAw ]
kinhee mon a-uDhoot sadaa-i-aa.
Some put themselves on silence, and call themselves hermits.

koeI khqau An�in BgauqI ]
ko-ee kahta-o annan bhag-utee.
Some claim that they are devotees of the One Lord alone.

moih dIn hir hir Et lIqI ]2]
mohi deen har har ot leetee. ||2||
I am meek; I seek the shelter and support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||

iknhI kihAw hau qIrQ vwsI ]
kinhee kahi-aa ha-o tirath vaasee.
Some say that they live at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

koeI AMnu qij BieAw audwsI ]
ko-ee ann taj bha-i-aa udaasee.
Some refuse food and become Udaasis, shaven-headed renunciates.

iknhI Bvnu sB DrqI kirAw ]
kinhee bhavan sabh Dhartee kari-aa.
Some have wandered all across the earth.

moih dIn hir hir dir pirAw ]3]
mohi deen har har dar pari-aa. ||3||
I am meek; I have fallen at the door of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

iknhI kihAw mY kulih vifAweI ]
kinhee kahi-aa mai kuleh vadi-aa-ee.
Some say that they belong to great and noble families.

iknhI kihAw bwh bhu BweI ]
kinhee kahi-aa baah baho bhaa-ee.
Some say that they have the arms of their many brothers to protect them.

koeI khY mY Dnih pswrw ]
ko-ee kahai mai dhaneh pasaaraa.
Some say that they have great expanses of wealth.

moih dIn hir hir AwDwrw ]4]
mohi deen har har aaDhaaraa. ||4||
I am meek; I have the support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||

iknhI GUGr inriq krweI ]
kinhee ghooghar nirat karaa-ee.
Some dance, wearing ankle bells.

iknhU vrq nym mwlw pweI ]
kinhoo varat naym maalaa paa-ee.
Some fast and take vows, and wear malas.

iknhI iqlku gopI cMdn lwieAw ]
kinhee tilak gopee chandan laa-i-aa.
Some apply ceremonial tilak marks to their foreheads.

moih dIn hir hir hir iDAwieAw ]5]
mohi deen har har har Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||5||
I am meek; I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||5||

iknhI isD bhu cytk lwey ]
kinhee siDh baho chaytak laa-ay.
Some work spells using the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas.

iknhI ByK bhu Qwt bnwey ]
kinhee bhaykh baho thaat banaa-ay.
Some wear various religious robes and establish their authority.

iknhI qMq mMq bhu Kyvw ]
kinhee tant mant baho khayvaa.
Some perform Tantric spells, and chant various mantras.

moih dIn hir hir hir syvw ]6]
mohi deen har har har sayvaa. ||6||
I am meek; I serve the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||6||

koeI cquru khwvY pMifq ]
ko-ee chatur kahaavai pandit.
One calls himself a wise Pandit, a religious scholar.

ko Ktu krm sihq isau mMifq ]
ko khat karam sahit si-o mandit.
One performs the six rituals to appease Shiva.

koeI krY Awcwr sukrxI ]
ko-ee karai aachaar sukarnee.
One maintains the rituals of pure lifestyle, and does good deeds.

moih dIn hir hir hir srxI ]7]
mohi deen har har har sarnee. ||7||
I am meek; I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||7||

sgly krm Drm jug soDy ]
saglay karam Dharam jug soDhay.
I have studied the religions and rituals of all the ages.

ibnu nwvY iehu mnu n pRboDy ]
bin naavai ih man na parboDhay.
Without the Name, this mind is not awakened.

khu nwnk jau swDsMgu pwieAw ]
kaho naanak ja-o saaDhsang paa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, when I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,

bUJI iqRsnw mhw sIqlwieAw ]8]1]
boojhee tarisnaa mahaa seetlaa-i-aa. ||8||1||
my thirsty desires were satisfied, and I was totally cooled and soothed. ||8||1||