vaahu vaahu saachay mai tayree tayk

gauVI mhlw 1 ](153-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

kwmu k®oDu mwieAw mih cIqu ]
kaam kroDh maa-i-aa meh cheet.
The conscious mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and Maya.

JUT ivkwir jwgY ihq cIqu ]
jhooth vikaar jaagai hit cheet.
The conscious mind is awake only to falsehood, corruption and attachment.

pUMjI pwp loB kI kIqu ]
poonjee paap lobh kee keet.
It gathers in the assets of sin and greed.

qru qwrI min nwmu sucIqu ]1]
tar taaree man naam sucheet. ||1||
So swim across the river of life, O my mind, with the Sacred Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

vwhu vwhu swcy mY qyrI tyk ]
vaahu vaahu saachay mai tayree tayk.
Waaho! Waaho! - Great! Great is my True Lord! I seek Your All-powerful Support.

hau pwpI qUM inrmlu eyk ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o paapee tooN nirmal ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sinner - You alone are pure. ||1||Pause||

Agin pwxI bolY BVvwau ]
agan paanee bolai bharhvaa-o.
Fire and water join together, and the breath roars in its fury!

ijhvw ieMdRI eyku suAwau ]
jihvaa indree ayk su-aa-o.
The tongue and the sex organs each seek to taste.

idsit ivkwrI nwhI Bau Bwau ]
disat vikaaree naahee bha-o bhaa-o.
The eyes which look upon corruption do not know the Love and the Fear of God.

Awpu mwry qw pwey nwau ]2]
aap maaray taa paa-ay naa-o. ||2||
Conquering self-conceit, one obtains the Name. ||2||

sbid mrY iPir mrxu n hoie ]
sabad marai fir maran na ho-ay.
One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, shall never again have to die.

ibnu mUey ikau pUrw hoie ]
bin moo-ay ki-o pooraa ho-ay.
Without such a death, how can one attain perfection?

prpMic ivAwip rihAw mnu doie ]
parpanch vi-aap rahi-aa man do-ay.
The mind is engrossed in deception, treachery and duality.

iQru nwrwiexu kry su hoie ]3]
thir naaraa-in karay so ho-ay. ||3||
Whatever the Immortal Lord does, comes to pass. ||3||

boihiQ cVau jw AwvY vwru ]
bohith charha-o jaa aavai vaar.
So get aboard that boat when your turn comes.

Twky boihQ drgh mwr ]
thaakay bohith dargeh maar.
Those who fail to embark upon that boat shall be beaten in the Court of the Lord.

scu swlwhI DMnu gurduAwru ]
sach saalaahee Dhan gurdu-aar.
Blessed is that Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, where the Praises of the True Lord are sung.

nwnk dir Gir eykMkwru ]4]7]
naanak dar ghar aykankaar. ||4||7||
O Nanak, the One Creator Lord is pervading hearth and home. ||4||7||