kaam kroDh lobh jhooth nindaa in tay aap chhadaavahu
soriT mhlw 5 ] (617-9)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
kwm k®oD loB JUT inMdw ien qy Awip Cfwvhu ] ieh BIqr qy ien kau fwrhu Awpn inkit bulwvhu ]1] Please eradicate these from within me, and call me to come close to You. ||1|| ApunI ibiD Awip jnwvhu ] You alone teach me Your Ways. hir jn mMgl gwvhu ]1] rhwau ] With the Lord's humble servants, I sing His Praises. ||1||Pause|| ibsru nwhI kbhU hIey qy ieh ibiD mn mih pwvhu ] May I never forget the Lord within my heart; please, instill such understanding within my mind. guru pUrw ByitE vfBwgI jn nwnk kqih n Dwvhu ]2]3]31] By great good fortune, servant Nanak has met with the Perfect Guru, and now, he will not go anywhere else. ||2||3||31|| |