kaa-i-aa andar jagjeevan daataa vasai sabhnaa karay partipaalaa
sUhI mhlw 3 ] (754-5)soohee mehlaa 3. Soohee, Third Mehl: |
kwieAw kwmix Aiq suAwil@au ipru vsY ijsu nwly ] ipr scy qy sdw suhwgix gur kw sbdu sm@wly ] She becomes the happy soul-bride of her True Husband Lord, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. hir kI Bgiq sdw rMig rwqw haumY ivchu jwly ]1] The Lord's devotee is forever attuned to the Lord's Love; her ego is burnt away from within. ||1|| vwhu vwhu pUry gur kI bwxI ] Waaho! Waaho! Blessed, blessed is the Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani. pUry gur qy aupjI swic smwxI ]1] rhwau ] It wells up and springs forth from the Perfect Guru, and merges into Truth. ||1||Pause|| kwieAw AMdir sBu ikCu vsY KMf mMfl pwqwlw ] Everything is within the Lord - the continents, worlds and nether regions. kwieAw AMdir jgjIvn dwqw vsY sBnw kry pRiqpwlw ] The Life of the World, the Great Giver, dwells within the body; He is the Cherisher of all. kwieAw kwmix sdw suhylI gurmuiK nwmu sm@wlw ]2] The body-bride is eternally beautiful; the Gurmukh contemplates the Naam. ||2|| kwieAw AMdir Awpy vsY AlKu n liKAw jweI ] The Lord Himself dwells within the body; He is invisible and cannot be seen. mnmuKu mugDu bUJY nwhI bwhir Bwlix jweI ] The foolish self-willed manmukh does not understand; he goes out searching for the Lord externally. siqguru syvy sdw suKu pwey siqguir AlKu idqw lKweI ]3] One who serves the True Guru is always at peace; the True Guru has shown me the Invisible Lord. ||3|| kwieAw AMdir rqn pdwrQ Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] Within the body there are jewels and precious treasures, the over-flowing treasure of devotion. iesu kwieAw AMdir nauKMf ipRQmI hwt ptx bwjwrw ] Within this body are the nine continents of the earth, its markets, cities and streets. iesu kwieAw AMdir nwmu nau iniD pweIAY gur kY sbid vIcwrw ]4] Within this body are the nine treasures of the Naam; contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is obtained. ||4|| kwieAw AMdir qoil qulwvY Awpy qolxhwrw ] Within the body, the Lord estimates the weight; He Himself is the weigher. iehu mnu rqnu jvwhr mwxku iqs kw molu APwrw ] This mind is the jewel, the gem, the diamond; it is absolutely priceless. moil ikq hI nwmu pweIAY nwhI nwmu pweIAY gur bIcwrw ]5] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, cannot be purchased at any price; the Naam is obtained by contemplating the Guru. ||5|| gurmuiK hovY su kwieAw KojY hor sB Brim BulweI ] One who becomes Gurmukh searches this body; all others just wander around in confusion. ijs no dyie soeI jnu pwvY hor ikAw ko kry cqurweI ] That humble being alone obtains it, unto whom the Lord bestows it. What other clever tricks can anyone try? kwieAw AMdir Bau Bwau vsY gur prswdI pweI ]6] Within the body, the Fear of God and Love for Him abides; by Guru's Grace, they are obtained. ||6|| kwieAw AMdir bRhmw ibsnu mhysw sB Epiq ijqu sMswrw ] Within the body, are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, from whom the whole world emanated. scY Awpxw Kylu rcwieAw Awvw gauxu pwswrw ] The True Lord has staged and contrived His own play; the expanse of the Universe comes and goes. pUrY siqguir Awip idKwieAw sic nwim insqwrw ]7] The Perfect True Guru Himself has made it clear, that emancipation comes through the True Name. ||7|| sw kwieAw jo siqguru syvY scY Awip svwrI ] That body, which serves the True Guru, is embellished by the True Lord Himself. ivxu nwvY dir FoeI nwhI qw jmu kry KuAwrI ] Without the Name, the mortal finds no place of rest in the Court of the Lord; he shall be tortured by the Messenger of Death. nwnk scu vifAweI pwey ijs no hir ikrpw DwrI ]8]2] O Nanak, true glory is bestowed, when the Lord showers His Mercy. ||8||2|| |