karahu gat da-i-aal santahu moree
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1217-2)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
krhu giq dieAwl sMqhu morI ] qum smrQ kwrn krnw qUtI qum hI jorI ]1] rhwau ] You are the All-powerful Cause of causes. You have ended my separation, and joined me with God. ||1||Pause|| jnm jnm ky ibKeI qum qwry sumiq sMig qumwrY pweI ] You save us from the corruption and sins of countless incarnations; associating with You, we obtain sublime understanding. Aink join BRmqy pRB ibsrq swis swis hir gweI ]1] Forgetting God, we wandered through countless incarnations; with each and every breath, we sing the Lord's Praises. ||1|| jo jo sMig imly swDU kY qy qy piqq punIqw ] Whoever meets with the Holy Saints - those sinners are sanctified. khu nwnk jw ky vfBwgw iqin jnmu pdwrQu jIqw ]2]42]65] Says Nanak, those who have such high destiny, win this invaluable human life. ||2||42||65|| |