har japay har mandar saaji-aa sant bhagat gun gaavahi raam
sUhI mhlw 5 (781-12)soohee mehlaa 5 Soohee, Fifth Mehl |
hir jpy hir mMdru swijAw sMq Bgq gux gwvih rwm ] ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw sgly pwp qjwvih rwm ] Meditating, meditating in remembrance of God, their Lord and Master, they discard and renounce all their sins. hir gux gwie prm pdu pwieAw pRB kI aUqm bwxI ] Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the supreme status is obtained. The Word of God's Bani is sublime and exalted. shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI kQI AkQ khwxI ] God's Sermon is so very sweet. It brings celestial peace. It is to speak the Unspoken Speech. Blw sMjogu mUrqu plu swcw Aibcl nIv rKweI ] The time and the moment were auspicious, blessed and true, when the eternal foundation of this Temple was placed. jn nwnk pRB Bey dieAwlw srb klw bix AweI ]1] O servant Nanak, God has been kind and compassionate; with all His powers, He has blessed me. ||1|| |