simar Dhi-aa-ay gaa-ay gun gobind din rain saajh savayrai

dyvgMDwrI 5(530-13)
dayvganDhaaree 5
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl

so pRBu nyrY hU qy nyrY ]
so parabh nayrai hoo tay nayrai.
God is the nearest of the near.

ismir iDAwie gwie gun goibMd idnu rYin swJ svyrY ]1] rhwau ]
simar Dhi-aa-ay gaa-ay gun gobind din rain saajh savayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night, evening and morning. ||1||Pause||

auDru dyh dulB swDU sMig hir hir nwmu jpyrY ]
uDhar dayh dulabh saaDhoo sang har har naam japayrai.
Redeem your body in the invaluable Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

GrI n muhqu n csw ibl�bhu kwlu inqih inq hyrY ]1]
gharee na muhat na chasaa bilambahu kaal niteh nit hayrai. ||1||
Do not delay for an instant, even for a moment. Death is keeping you constantly in his vision. ||1||

AMD iblw qy kwFhu krqy ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]
anDh bilaa tay kaadhahu kartay ki-aa naahee ghar tayrai.
Lift me up out of the dark dungeon, O Creator Lord; what is there which is not in Your home?

nwmu ADwru dIjY nwnk kau Awnd sUK GnyrY ]2]12]
naam aDhaar deejai naanak ka-o aanad sookh ghanayrai. ||2||12||
Bless Nanak with the Support of Your Name, that he may find great happiness and peace. ||2||12||