sukh naahee bahutai Dhan khaatay
BYrau mhlw 5 (1147-13)bhairo mehlaa 5 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl |
suKu nwhI bhuqY Din Kwty ] There is no peace in earning lots of money. suKu nwhI pyKy inriq nwty ] There is no peace in watching dances and plays. suKu nwhI bhu dys kmwey ] There is no peace in conquering lots of countries. srb suKw hir hir gux gwey ]1] All peace comes from singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1|| sUK shj Awn�d lhhu ] You shall obtain peace, poise and bliss, swDsMgiq pweIAY vfBwgI gurmuiK hir hir nwmu khhu ]1] rhwau ] when you find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, by great good fortune. As Gurmukh, utter the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause|| bMDn mwq ipqw suq binqw ] Mother, father, children and spouse - all place the mortal in bondage. bMDn krm Drm hau krqw ] Religious rituals and actions done in ego place the mortal in bondage. bMDn kwtnhwru min vsY ] If the Lord, the Shatterer of bonds, abides in the mind, qau suKu pwvY inj Gir bsY ]2] then peace is obtained, dwelling in the home of the self deep within. ||2|| siB jwick pRB dyvnhwr ] Everyone is a beggar; God is the Great Giver. gux inDwn byAMq Apwr ] The Treasure of Virtue is the Infinite, Endless Lord. ijs no krmu kry pRBu Apnw ] That person, unto whom God grants His Mercy hir hir nwmu iqnY jin jpnw ]3] - that humble being chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3|| gur Apny AwgY Ardwis ] I offer my prayer to my Guru. kir ikrpw purK guxqwis ] O Primal Lord God, Treasure of Virtue, please bless me with Your Grace. khu nwnk qumrI srxweI ] Says Nanak, I have come to Your Sanctuary. ijau BwvY iqau rKhu gusweI ]4]28]41] If it pleases You, please protect me, O Lord of the World. ||4||28||41|| |