sagal manorath paa-ee-ah meetaa

iblwvlu mhlw 5(804-19)
bilaaval mehlaa 5
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl

sgl mnorQ pweIAih mIqw ]
sagal manorath paa-ee-ah meetaa.
All desires are fulfilled, O my friend,

crn kml isau lweIAY cIqw ]1]
charan kamal si-o laa-ee-ai cheetaa. ||1||
lovingly centering your consciousness on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1||

hau bilhwrI jo pRBU iDAwvq ]
ha-o balihaaree jo parabhoo Dhi-aavat.
I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on God.

jlin buJY hir hir gun gwvq ]1] rhwau ]
jalan bujhai har har gun gaavat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The fire of desire is quenched, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

sPl jnmu hovq vfBwgI ]
safal janam hovat vadbhaagee.
One's life become fruitful and rewarding, by great good fortune.

swDsMig rwmih ilv lwgI ]2]
saaDhsang raameh liv laagee. ||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, enshrine love for the Lord. ||2||

miq piq Dnu suK shj An�dw ] iek inmK n ivsrhu prmwn�dw ]3]
mat pat Dhan sukh sahj anandaa. ik nimakh na visrahu parmaanandaa. ||3||
Wisdom, honor, wealth, peace and celestial bliss are attained, if one does not forget the Lord of supreme bliss, even for an instant. ||3||

hir drsn kI min ipAws GnyrI ]
har darsan kee man pi-aas ghanayree.
My mind is so very thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

Bniq nwnk srix pRB qyrI ]4]8]13]
bhanat naanak saran parabh tayree. ||4||8||13||
Prays Nanak, O God, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||4||8||13||