arrhaavai billaavai nindak

Awsw mhlw 5 (373-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl

ArVwvY ibllwvY inMdku ]
arrhaavai billaavai nindak.
The slanderer cries out and bewails.

pwrbRhmu prmysru ibsirAw Apxw kIqw pwvY inMdku ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm parmaysar bisri-aa apnaa keetaa paavai nindak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has forgotten the Supreme Lord, the Transcendent Lord; the slanderer reaps the rewards of his own actions. ||1||Pause||

jy koeI aus kw sMgI hovY nwly ley isDwvY ]
jay ko-ee us kaa sangee hovai naalay la-ay siDhaavai.
If someone is his companion, then he shall be taken along with him.

Axhodw Ajgru Bwru auTwey inMdku AgnI mwih jlwvY ]1]
anhodaa ajgar bhaar uthaa-ay nindak agnee maahi jalaavai. ||1||
Like the dragon, the slanderer carries his huge, useless loads, and burns in his own fire. ||1||

prmysr kY duAwrY ij hoie ibqIqY su nwnku AwiK suxwvY ]
parmaysar kai du-aarai je ho-ay biteetai so naanak aakh sunaavai.
Nanak proclaims and announces what happens at the Door of the Transcendent Lord.

Bgq jnw kau sdw An�du hY hir kIrqnu gwie ibgswvY ]2]10]
bhagat janaa ka-o sadaa anand hai har keertan gaa-ay bigsaavai. ||2||10||
The humble devotees of the Lord are forever in bliss; singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, they blossom forth. ||2||10||