pargatay gupaal gobind laalan kavan rasnaa gun bhanaa
rwgu ibhwgVw mhlw 5 (542-15)raag bihaagarhaa mehlaa 5 Raag Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehl |
Aiq pRIqm mn mohnw Gt sohnw pRwn ADwrw rwm ] He is dear to me; He fascinates my mind; He is the ornament of my heart, the support of the breath of life. suMdr soBw lwl gopwl dieAwl kI Apr Apwrw rwm ] The Glory of the Beloved, Merciful Lord of the Universe is beautiful; He is infinite and without limit. gopwl dieAwl goibMd lwln imlhu kMq inmwxIAw ] O Compassionate Sustainer of the World, Beloved Lord of the Universe, please, join with Your humble soul-bride. nYn qrsn drs prsn nh nId rYix ivhwxIAw ] My eyes long for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; the night passes, but I cannot sleep. igAwn AMjn nwm ibMjn Bey sgl sIgwrw ] I have applied the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom to my eyes; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my food. These are all my decorations. nwnku pieAMpY sMq jMpY myil kMqu hmwrw ]1] Prays Nanak, let's meditate on the Saint, that he may unite us with our Husband Lord. ||1|| lwK aulwhny moih hir jb lgu nh imlY rwm ] I endure thousands of reprimands, and still, my Lord has not met with me. imln kau krau aupwv ikCu hmwrw nh clY rwm ] I make the effort to meet with my Lord, but none of my efforts work. cl icq ibq Ainq ipRA ibnu kvn ibDI n DIjIAY ] Unsteady is my consciousness, and unstable is my wealth; without my Lord, I cannot be consoled. Kwn pwn sIgwr ibrQy hir kMq ibnu ikau jIjIAY ] Food, drink and decorations are useless; without my Husband Lord, how can I survive? Awsw ipAwsI rYin idnIAru rih n skIAY ieku iqlY ] I yearn for Him, and desire Him night and day. I cannot live without Him, even for an instant. nwnku pieAMpY sMq dwsI qau pRswid myrw ipru imlY ]2] Prays Nanak, O Saint, I am Your slave; by Your Grace, I meet my Husband Lord. ||2|| syj eyk ipRau sMig drsu n pweIAY rwm ] I share a bed with my Beloved, but I do not behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. Avgn moih Anyk kq mhil bulweIAY rwm ] I have endless demerits - how can my Lord call me to the Mansion of His Presence? inrguin inmwxI AnwiQ ibnvY imlhu pRB ikrpw inDy ] The worthless, dishonored and orphaned soul-bride prays, "Meet with me, O God, treasure of mercy." BRm BIiq KoeIAY shij soeIAY pRB plk pyKq nv inDy ] The wall of doubt has been shattered, and now I sleep in peace, beholding God, the Lord of the nine treasures, even for an instant. igRih lwlu AwvY mhlu pwvY imil sMig mMglu gweIAY ] If only I could come into the Mansion of my Beloved Lord's Presence! Joining with Him, I sing the songs of joy. nwnku pieAMpY sMq srxI moih drsu idKweIAY ]3] Prays Nanak, I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints; please, reveal to me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||3|| sMqn kY prswid hir hir pwieAw rwm ] By the Grace of the Saints, I have obtained the Lord, Har, Har. ieC puMnI min sWiq qpiq buJwieAw rwm ] My desires are fulfilled, and my mind is at peace; the fire within has been quenched. sPlw su idns rYxy suhwvI And mMgl rsu Gnw ] Fruitful is that day, and beauteous is that night, and countless are the joys, celebrations and pleasures. pRgty gupwl goibMd lwln kvn rsnw gux Bnw ] The Lord of the Universe, the Beloved Sustainer of the World, has been revealed. With what tongue can I speak of His Glory? BRm loB moh ibkwr Qwky imil sKI mMglu gwieAw ] Doubt, greed, emotional attachment and corruption are taken away; joining with my companions, I sing the songs of joy. nwnku pieAMpY sMq jMpY ijin hir hir sMjoig imlwieAw ]4]2] Prays Nanak, I meditate on the Saint, who has led me to merge with the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||2|| |