antar piree pi-aar ki-o pir bin jeevee-ai raam
quKwrI CMq mhlw 4 (1113-16)tukhaaree chhant mehlaa 4 Tukhaari Chhant, Fourth Mehl |
AMqir iprI ipAwru ikau ipr ibnu jIvIAY rwm ] My inner being is filled with love for my Beloved Husband Lord. How can I live without Him? jb lgu drsu n hoie ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY rwm ] As long as I do not have the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, how can I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar? ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY hir ibnu jIvIAY iqsu ibnu rhnu n jwey ] How can I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar without the Lord? I cannot survive without Him. Anidnu ipRau ipRau kry idnu rwqI ipr ibnu ipAws n jwey ] Night and day, I cry out, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!", day and night. Without my Husband Lord, my thirst is not quenched. ApxI ik®pw krhu hir ipAwry hir hir nwmu sd swirAw ] Please, bless me with Your Grace, O my Beloved Lord, that I may dwell on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, forever. gur kY sbid imilAw mY pRIqmu hau siqgur ivthu vwirAw ]1] Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have met my Beloved; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||1|| jb dyKW ipru ipAwrw hir gux ris rvw rwm ] When I see my Beloved Husband Lord, I chant the Lord's Glorious Praises with love. myrY AMqir hoie ivgwsu ipRau ipRau scu inq cvw rwm ] My inner being blossoms forth; I continually utter, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!" ipRau cvw ipAwry sbid insqwry ibnu dyKy iqRpiq n Awvey ] I speak of my Dear Beloved, and through the Shabad, I am saved. Unless I can see Him, I am not satisfied. sbid sIgwru hovY inq kwmix hir hir nwmu iDAwvey ] That soul-bride who is ever adorned with the Shabad, meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. dieAw dwnu mMgq jn dIjY mY pRIqmu dyhu imlwey ] Please bless this beggar, Your humble servant, with the Gift of Mercy; please unite me with my Beloved. Anidnu guru gopwlu iDAweI hm siqgur ivthu Gumwey ]2] Night and day, I meditate on the Guru, the Lord of the World; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||2|| hm pwQr guru nwv ibKu Bvjlu qwrIAY rwm ] I am a stone in the Boat of the Guru. Please carry me across the terrifying ocean of poison. gur dyvhu sbdu suBwie mY mUV insqwrIAY rwm ] O Guru, please, lovingly bless me with the Word of the Shabad. I am such a fool - please save me! hm mUV mugD ikCu imiq nhI pweI qU AgMmu vf jwixAw ] I am a fool and an idiot; I know nothing of Your extent. You are known as Inaccessible and Great. qU Awip dieAwlu dieAw kir mylih hm inrguxI inmwixAw ] You Yourself are Merciful; please, mercifully bless me. I am unworthy and dishonored - please, unite me with Yourself! Anyk jnm pwp kir Brmy huix qau srxwgiq Awey ] Through countless lifetimes, I wandered in sin; now, I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. dieAw krhu riK lyvhu hir jIau hm lwgh siqgur pwey ]3] Take pity on me and save me, Dear Lord; I have grasped the Feet of the True Guru. ||3|| gur pwrs hm loh imil kMcnu hoieAw rwm ] The Guru is the Philosopher's Stone; by His touch, iron is transformed into gold. joqI joiq imlwie kwieAw gVu soihAw rwm ] My light merges into the Light, and my body-fortress is so beautiful. kwieAw gVu soihAw myrY pRiB moihAw ikau swis igrwis ivswrIAY ] My body-fortress is so beautiful; I am fascinated by my God. How could I forget Him, for even a breath, or a morsel of food? AidRstu Agocru pkiVAw gur sbdI hau siqgur kY bilhwrIAY ] I have seized the Unseen and Unfathomable Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. siqgur AwgY sIsu Byt dyau jy siqgur swcy BwvY ] I place my head in offering before the True Guru, if it truly pleases the True Guru. Awpy dieAw krhu pRB dwqy nwnk AMik smwvY ]4]1] Take pity on me, O God, Great Giver, that Nanak may merge in Your Being. ||4||1|| |