2012 SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival
Since 2006, SikhNet has sponsored an online film festival for the youth. So, anyone can make a film about Sikhims anywhere around the world.
And this year, we are introducing ‘SikhNet Shorts’. Films, 5 min. or less. We are still accepting long films (max 25 min.) as well.
This Year…
- We’ve upped the age range for the intermediate group to 28.
- For Intermediates, we’ve eliminated 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes and created Best Short Film and Best Long Film.
TWO Opportunities to Win!
When you make a great short film this year you also have the opportunity to enter it into the Tony Blair Foundation “Faith Shorts” Film Competition. You can find out the details here. Why not submit your short film to BOTH the SikhNet Youth Film Festival and the Faith Shorts competition?