Yogi Bhajan, also known as Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, left his body on October 6, 2004. In January of 2005, a trip was organized to India. In accordance with his last wishes, Yogi Bhajan's ashes were immersed at Kiratpur Sahib on January 11, 2005, during a ceremony that began at 2 pm. The trip to India included additional memorial services. Some of these services included; a program at Manji Sahib in the Golden Temple on Saturday, January 15th, and a program at Gurdwara Bangala Sahib in New Delhi on January 16th. As per his instructions, Yogi Bhajan's ashes were only dispersed at Kiratpur Sahib. Some of his ashes remained in the United States, and were scattered at Ram Das Puri in Espanola, New Mexico on April 23, 2005 - also according to his wishes.
Below please find photos of the ashes ceremony at Kiratpur Sahib on January 11, 2005.
The sangat at Kiratpur Sahib on January 11, 2005.
Yogi Bhajan's ashes.
Yogi Bhajan's family, along with Sikh dignitaries.
Yogi Bhajan's eldest son, Ranbir Singh Puri, dispersing his father's ashes.
Memorial Gurdwara at Kiratpur Sahib.
A deeply devoted Sikh, the Siri Singh Sahib's inspiration and example motivated thousands to embrace the Sikh way of life. Through his personal efforts, Sikh Dharma was legally incorporated and officially recognized as a religion in the USA in 1971. He was given the responsibility to create a Sikh Ministry in the West by the Akal Takhat, the Sikh seat of religious authority in Amritsar, India. He was honored with the title Bhai Sahib by the Akal Takhat in 1974.
Also known as Yogi Bhajan, he started teaching Kundalini Yoga when he came to the West in 1968, and was the first to publicly do so.
Yogi Bhajan worked tirelessly in the realms of interfaith and peace, carrying Guru Nanak's message of respect for all humanity. On April 8, 2005, the United States Congress issued a Joint Resolution honoring his life's work. To read this US Congressional Resolution, click here.
Other sources reporting on the ashes ceremony at Kiratpur Sahib.
Editor's Note: It has come to our attention that there are some questions about the last rites Yogi Bhajan received in 2005. We have gratefully put together this story to clarify the issue.