Jan 30, 2013 - CHANDIGARH: The SAD-BJP government's claims about attracting over a lakh crore rupees of investment in Punjab have been proven hollow, evidently by their own admission. Not just are the bigger industries moving out, but Punjab is among the worst performing states in the country when it comes to checking water pollution. The state is among the worst defaulters in the country with at least seven grossly polluting industrial units dumping their toxic waste directly in the rivers and lakes.

The latest environment report of the state, Environment Statistics, has expressed concern over the present industrial scenario having a depressing effect on the economy. The report, released this week, clearly states that not just "the number of large industries in state is going down, but the state economy is based on small scale industries, mostly food processing industries."

Of the 20 grossly polluting industries not even half, nine units, comply with norms regarding water pollution. The others are discharging toxic waste in the state's lifeline -- its rivers and lakes. Punjab ranks seventh on the list of defaulting states with most other states --Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Jharkhand -- managing to have not a single such polluting unit. The industrially-strong Gujarat has reported one such unit. In Punjab, a few industrial units in Jalandhar and Ropar are dumping toxic waste into the river.

Sources said that the figures thrown up by the report are in direct contrast to the claims being made by the government, especially when seeking grants from the Centre for river cleaning projects. "Two years ago, the state had got aid worth Rs 1,000 crore for cleaning its rivers. But little has been done to check the polluting units, many of whom have been proven to flourish in connivance with officials of Punjab Pollution Control Board," said S D Sharma, an environment activist in the state.

In what is a matter of huge concern for the state's economy, aiming to move on from agriculture to industry, it is just the small scale industries which are setting up bases in Punjab. From 43,338 industrial units in 1980, the units have multiplied to 1.68 lakh in 2011.

However, the government has failed to introduce checks accordingly as is apparent from the fact that Punjab ranks seventh among states, faring the worst, in keeping water pollution checks. Out of 101 total medium scale industries, 31 units are defaulters, while 17 have been closed down while only 53 are complying with norms, sources said.

While states like Gujarat have surged ahead in this respect, Punjab has barely managed to use industry to its advantage. The share of industrial sector, the secondary sector, to state gross domestic product has increased from 20% in 1980-81 to a mere 29% in 2009-10. Also, a large number of unregistered industrial units, especially in the herbal products sector, are proving to be a headache for the government as no regulations are being adhered to by them. Most of these units flourish with PPCB not bothering to close them down, sources pointed out.


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